Moana Engineering
Owner/Principal Engineer


Ms. Lau's work includes the design of timber, reinforced and unreinforced masonry, reinforced concrete, and steel structures, hillside foundations, earth retention systems, seismic retrofits of existing structures, beachfront foundations, shoreline protection systems (bulkheads, rock revetments) and structural concrete restoration.

Ms. Lau's specialty in Coastal Engineering means she is qualified in the study of the processes ongoing at the shoreline and construction within the coastal zone. The field involves aspects of nearshore oceanography, marine geology, and civil engineering, often directed at combating erosion of coasts or providing navigational access in the Southern California area which entail directing the implementation of new Shoreline Protective Devices (SPD) such as timber or concrete bulkheads and rock revetments and remediation of existing SPD to include replacement of abraded or broken members, deepening of walls or extension of walls. Examples of new or repaired SPD’s.

Ms. Lau is available to provide Pre-Purchase/Escrow Inspections for homes located in the Southern California area and reports for potential buyers in the evaluation range of $800,000 to $52,000,000, and structures varying from 1200 sq. ft. to 25,000 sq. ft.

Ms. Lau regularly attends seminars related to structural engineering given by several groups, such as SEAOSC (Structural Engineering Association of Southern California), ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers), I.C.B.O. (International Conference of Building Officials), Masonry Institute of America, American Concrete Institute, and the Light Gauge Steel Engineers Association and has documented the effect of 100 year storm design waves on the Southern California shoreline and prepared coastal engineering report of analysis discussing site characteristics, wave propagation, sea level rise and climate change.

Moana Engineering     
Janelle Lau, P.E., C62531